Aldous Huxley, the British writer, once wrote, “There are things known, and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.” Adam Strange creates his art in that space between the known and unknown. The space is made of the thin unreliability of memory and shards of lived experience, which are reconstructed into stark forms and landscapes, resulting in nuanced, disturbing and sensual images. The pieces are journeys from the purely aesthetic to a sacramental vision. There is a discordant beatific vision in the absence of colour, which engenders a lack of visual and emotional information. The removal of this content from the picture requires the viewer to confront a stark reality immediately. Light and shade, and what is revealed from the blackness become the primary language for interpreting the image.

These are images of realism. By turns, demanding, fearful, and disorienting. They are fit representations of the times we live in.

Prints available upon request

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